Tiny Menu

2005-11-17 19:26 - Firefox Extensions

Project Tracker

Documentation can now be found at this extension's project tracker page. Please also use the project tracker to report bugs, request features, ask for help, or anything else. (By using tickets.) Comments posted here for these issues will be summarily deleted.


Vanilla Version

I took a look around and realized, this extension has ballooned from 4,898 to 16,716 bytes! I'm a compulsive byte counter, I can't stand to see all those bytes going to waste. If you're just dying for one of those features in the later versions, or if you speak something other than English, then have a blast for yourself with the latest bloated versions. But if not (like me!), Tiny Menu 1.1.1 is for you. It's what I use. It collapses the menu. That's it. Pure and simple. And only 3,974 bytes!


2006-01-16 13:33 - dumky
Some screenshots would be great.
icon representation
2006-02-05 10:33 - mdoe
It would be nice to display a small icon instead of the word "Menu" in the toolbar. Hope you can add it in the next release.

Keep up the good work. :)

Icon menu: How To
2006-06-09 14:54 - arantius

Everyone who wants a graphical icon for your Tiny Menu, rejoice that you use Firefox, one of the most extensible browsers known to man! I don't even have to change the extension for this. Thing is, I'm not artistic, so I don't know a good icon to put. If you don't like mine, you're free to find a better one.

That said, the userChrome.css file is all you need! Find it, inside the 'chrome' folder in your profile folder, and put in this code:

menu#tinymenu {
	background: 50% 50% no-repeat
menu#tinymenu > label {
	visibility: hidden;

The menu will now have a Firefox icon, instead of the word "Menu". That's it!

Data URIs
2006-06-10 16:28 - arantius

A user has suggested a tool called the data: URI kitchen, which you can use to make your own image to insert into the code sample above. Enjoy!

Working! With Icons!
2006-11-02 01:08 - cgreg

Yep, my Firefox 2.0 toolbar is all set up now. I followed the above instructions to indicate icons for "The Menu" and not-collapsed (via TinyMenu options) Bookmarks menu.

The thing is, the only way I could figure out how to shorten the width allocated for the button was to change the font size of the hidden(!) label to 1pt.

As for the weighty decision of which icons to use... for "The Menu" I think I've settled on a big blue shaded dropdown wedge (actually fashioned from the Firefox 2.0 back arrow), and found and reduced a nicer bookmarks icon. Maybe I'll change my mind again tomorrow. But my CSS with the icons is below, in case anybody finds them useful.

And incidentally, I found Sveinbjorn Thordarson's ["Data URL Image Generator"] (http://www.sveinbjorn.org/dataurlmaker) to be the handiest base64 encoder for the task.

menu#tinymenu { 
    background: 50% 50% no-repeat
    width: 24px;
menu#tinymenu > label {
	display: none;

menu#bookmarks-menu { 
    background: 50% 50% no-repeat
    width: 24px;
menu#bookmarks-menu > label {
    display: none;
2006-11-02 09:18 - arantius

Since you missed your code block backticks, I went in to insert them, and tweaked your code a bit. Setting the label to "display none" lets you then control the width of the menu as you please.

another way to show the menu icon
2006-11-02 09:43 - kevin551


Here is another method to show an icon instead of the word on the menubar.

 * Adds an icon to the tinymenu extension:
menu#tinymenu {
    background: 50% 50% 
        height: 32px;
menu#tinymenu > label {
    visibility: hidden;

I am using the Noia extreeme theme on FF2.0. Hence I needed an icon 32x32 pixels. There is a 64x64 pixel firefox.png icon in the firefox install folder which I reduced in size using Irfanview. This icon is placed in a subfolder called tinymenu in the chrome folder of my profile.

This is a great extension thanks


tinymenu 1.3 working fine on thunderbird 1.5.08
2006-11-15 10:09 - kevin551

Hi again

I have now added tinymenu 1.3 to my mail program thunderbird 1.5.08. It works fine.

Am using the firebird icon from https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/1422/

My code in the previous post above is missing the no-repeat, ie it should say background: 50% 50% no-repeat

As I said before this is a great extension thanks


Do Not Collapse Option
2006-11-16 17:32 - risk

Love the extension. I also have the ScrapBook extension installed. Is there a way Not to Collapse the ScrapBook menu? It is not listed with the standard Menu items. Thanks.

Non-Collapse Non-Standard Menu
2006-11-16 19:38 - arantius

If you really want to, you (probably) can. But you'll have to be sneaky. Go to about:config and look for "tinymenu.doNotCollapse". This is the preference where Tiny Menu stores which menus to not collapse. It is a space-separated list of element IDs. Finding the ID is harder. In the case of ScrapBook, the ID appears to be "ScrapBookMenu". Type that value into the Tiny Menu do not collapse preference, and it won't collapse it. If you ever use the options window, again, it will destroy that value.

This may be more automatic in the future. Time will tell.

Non-Collapse del.icio.us Bookmarks Menu
2006-11-16 23:13 - someguy

Thanks for the tip! If anyone's interested, the element ID for the del.icio.us Bookmarks menu is "yb_menu".

Some people ...
2006-11-17 08:18 - arantius

To those of us out there that post support requests here, and then get abusive in comments: Read carefully below. Comments are not for support. And getting nasty does not help your case. See, you've made me angry now, because I can't properly respond to a comment except with another. I don't want to litter my web site with this type of junk. Thanks a lot. God forbid you should have a small problem with a free product!

Using a menu icon
2006-11-24 20:44 - kevin551


In reply to Icons don above. For me the code to replace the word MENU with an icon is working in Firefox 2.0 and Thunderbird 1.5.08. I have just tested that it works both in my chosen theme (NOIA extreeme) and in the default theme. I have tested that it works with the icon in the chrome folder and in a subfolder tinymenu from this. It also works on both my profiles on two different machines

Some suggestions 1. Check your userChrome.css is working using the data version of an icon listed at the top of this page. 2. Check the name of your image is firefox.png and is in the same folder as the userChrome.css in your profile.

In response to the comment from Mouseover above. When I move the mouse over the icon the light grey background around the icon turns bluish grey. I can still see the icon. When I left click the icon the background around the icon turns whitish grey and the dropdown menu shows beneath it.

Hope this helps. Kevin

FF2 style hover, no annoying submenu
2006-12-01 17:33 - bobthecow

i settled on one i like: it has a firefox 2 style hover image (instead of a highlighted background), and it doesn't have a 'tinymenu' submenu.

menu#tinymenu { 
    background: 50% 50% no-repeat url();
    width: 35px;
    margin-left: 5px;
menu#tinymenu > label { display: none; }
menu#tinymenu:hover { 
    background-color: transparent !important;
    background: 50% 50% no-repeat url();
menupopup#tinymenu-popup > menuitem { display: none !important; }

Nice Icon
2006-12-01 17:39 - arantius

Bobthecow, I like that icon, and good work overall. Given that you've posted it here, I could use it if I want to, but I'd like to ask your permission. The soon-to-come version should include the ability to use an image even for those who are uncomfortable twiddiling userContent.css, but I have no default image. And it will remove the menu item for options, too!

Thanks :)
2007-02-12 18:01 - bobthecow

i've got a new icon (this time in small and large), if you care to see it...

add this to userContent.css:

menu#tinymenu { 
    background: 50% 50% no-repeat url("%2BJacCgAAA51JREFUSMetlU1oXFUYhp9z7r0zmXQ0%2F9VaCk1MECpU1DSpUgnVGGOl2kVxIVQXdmEpaF24yCYNBhduipQUBI0tCqYIBdOFIhQxtKCmCRiD1BpEQ1qTYjKdmZvJ3Llz7%2FlcXPNHUpvEvHA3557vvN%2FPe96jjh9%2FR44efRWlFEqxboiAiBCGAT09Zzh37uNlp9jt7Qeord3J5GQKYwzGrO1g29YopSgUivh%2BkZqacioqtiEiotRiqrbvB4ShIZ8vEAQGEVkzgdYa3w%2FwPB9jEqvvy%2BXy%2BH7AzIwLgDERSVS2YIwhDEOCwBAEwcJatL6YzNatSURW9tjOZHJ4nk99%2FQOsMflVUSjMrV7B9PQUfX39qI1MeAnS6RT5vLtiXUVKiHLfv7%2BDkyePoPXdFRWGIVrrZYlFigKRAl1d7zMwcF7ZAPNT7%2B7%2BTRoa6hgeVhSLLLSsuXk5WzSnSG6Dg4p4XOM4kM1CJgNNTSksazcifWIvDczlFL4PqRQUCosEhQI8eeBztiTjFIuGgh%2F9uNz%2FElNTIclkAseB2VlwXYMxi8NcRnDrFrgujI3NtyH6GhvhxRce5tLlANcrkk1PcejgbiYmAi5eLKBUYknFmj17FEFgrSQYH4d0Gtra1EI%2FAbZvj3QvCO6sAnyMibFjR8CxY0XKygyWZa2uouWD%2B5nOzpuILN984kQdllYkSixEfFCloGyGhm7S03Mdx6lAa2dJxK%2FAZESwFi%2BqrtZ8NwSxmA1oUDFQMXbt8uns3EJl5T04jk1PzxnOnv0I2DcfevqOXhSPO2TdIqDJugrbgphjg05C6AE2ec9BWVXk8iU8eH%2FkRUtV%2BZ9eNDfn8WnfCNX3PYJhjvq6SgZHspTfa5O%2BDUopTn1ShSCUqh94t6Nx%2FV70fOtOPuj9k9q6ekauZXEcRVWFJn0b%2Br%2B6DrqcJx7N0b63iO8HG%2FOiI4c1N%2F7WZLKaubwhmdSAD%2BLT%2FHgVFbEBXj7cCpiNeZExwjdXynmssYmMm6ckFoAY0KVM3%2FiefU9Pc%2BHC17hu5u5edCf8cm2K81%2FOMDyqSKUNPw5N8NwzDbTuHeON158ikUgsvQenlVJvreNJlBYREaum94uO9%2F6QxrafpOKhqxLf9tlf6XRa2tvb4%2FxfiEiL5xXl4CsDxZZDo9L47JXw0rejkslk3gYsNgMiIpR1vdZ9alyo%2FLDf8zz593C1WQQtxhixanp%2FT6VyEl1pNJuJ%2BXmIyJtrjfkHX1IHMWbI9eEAAAAASUVORK5CYII%3D");
    width: 35px;
    margin-left: 5px;
[iconsize="small"] menu#tinymenu { 
    background: 50% 50% no-repeat url("%2F9hAAAACXBIWXMAAAsTAAALEwEAmpwYAAAAB3RJTUUH1gwCCDoql0s2DwAAAotJREFUOMuNkM1L1FEUhp97728%2BciZzxsJGyUYJFCeCMHBhYfRB4aIW%2FQPtg9pE24QIcWMg7qKkFpWLIi0skCDtw%2BwL2lgTtMgGCkenmTFnxpn53dNizLQW9cC7ONxzXt77qsnJGWGF1tYG1mKtRcQCEI9%2FRWsNgOsu09PTx8TELeXMzbUgKxbRqKL90A0CAR%2BlkmW5WHmYfnCMRCJKMLgBjwcikRTG7ELkpuj5efilpSU41h1DdJTFwjbmU172du4hlSrx7VuBZNJlYQGsXQ2NMzsLrltRLAaOoxGExR8KKGKtl3g8yZ07Gfz%2BNlzXcP68olw2FYPDh9XqFyIR8HkVm6p9zCaWQNeArqKpSTh1qoZw2OLzqXU96atX3xKpzxCpz%2BLx5HAMeD0O6CDgBRzq6gLs3BmkoSGPyDw9PXeBr5UEZ8%2F6yeUzjD7MY4EdzWFevstSU%2B2Q%2Fg5KKc71FhGEas8z%2Bi%2Fup7l5mqGhywADjtYBmhs38%2BLNcxq3N%2FHufRaPR1Eb0qS%2Fw8hYHHQNne15Lg3uJZtdIhSKAKCUOqNzuQIfP35hoHcX0W0Kv09jtBAMaqAIUqSjvRa%2FPMPn1Vhr13eQSmVJJjNUbTBMPpmhfqsXYwS%2FtwxiQVWxkJhmoO8oo6NTFItlRH4XqVtaGmlr206pWGZocB8Bfw6tACkDcGT%2FRm5fi2Gt5cCB3fyJMzw8ujocP36Q%2B2NTdHcfYnwiQyi8hdevptCqg5GRRxhjSKdT5POLqzdKRGSto%2BtaTpx8SvpHmFwuw73rMUKhKowxGGPWrg4opc78FUlEZObD3IsL%2FZ9l%2FPGXRKFQEMAAiv9BRLqstWK2XPm0vFwSQK%2Fo%2FxGRLqlw%2Bl%2B7PwG%2FrRdfCx8MQwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg%3D%3D");
    width: 35px;
    margin-left: 5px;
menu#tinymenu > label { display: none; }

When will we have Thunderbird 2 compatibility?
2007-04-19 21:56 - dudy

When will we have Thunderbird 2 compatibility?

Thunderbird 2
2007-04-20 13:45 - x

Just an FYI: I used MR Tech Local Install to force Tiny Menu 1.4.2 enabled under Thunderbird So far, it seems to work fine, with one exception: The Tiny Menu on Compose windows doesn't work (the menu bar isn't changed at all). The main window and message windows seem to work fine, though.

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